Vital Moon

Proving the Existence of God Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Intelligent Design offers preeminent confirmation of a Supreme Creator via logical deduction. In the words of Sherlock Holmes, "When you eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however merely improbable, must be true" Establishing the existence of God can be effectively accomplished by comparing the infinitesimal timeframe for the existence of intelligent life on our planet, with the current distance of the Moon's orbit, as it receded from the Earth for the past 4.5 billion years. Scientists typically define intelligent life as species capable of producing technology. Demonstrating the existence of God is a two step process. To help explain the first step of this process, we combined a few segments of two documentaries; "Life Beyond Earth" by PBS and "Origins" by Nova. This is a 4 minute Mp4 video compilation posted below. Note: when downloading, some computers rename the file extension to Mp3, simply download and rename the extension from Mp3 to Mp4.

PBS & Nova Compilation in Mp4 format

For the first step of this explanatory process, the PBS documentary does an effective job of detailing the razor thin line of existence of intelligent life, as compared to the 3.8 billion years of life on our planet. Dinosaurs ruled for 150 million years, but none became intelligent. Insects existed for 300 million years, but none became intelligent. What's most intriguing is how this "one time" occurrence of intelligence takes place; only after the Earth effectively accumulated the fundamental essentials required for advanced technological civilization, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas, organic compounds, etc.. Considering the hundreds of millions of species throughout history, intelligence only occurred once, and in a relative instant. If intelligent life was introduced at any other point in Earth’s history, it would be a technological dead end, as humans would be trapped in a permanent stone age.

 Advanced civilization would not have been impossible because of the lack of the necessary natural resources for sophisticated development. We would not have fossil fuels, natural gas, or the organic materials crucial for plastics, rubber, etc. We would not have cars, computers, power plants, electricity, etc. Human civilization was only introduced when the natural resources permitted us to develop to our full potential.

Petroleum and natural gas formed from the anaerobic decomposition of phytoplankton and zooplankton remains that settled at the bottom of proterozoic oceans. These tiny creatures first became abundant just prior to the Paleozoic era about 650 million years ago (1, 2, 3). Correspondingly, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists estimated that this complex process requires about 650 million years of anaerobic decomposition to result in practical fossil fuels (4). If these scientific estimates are accurate, the first homo sapiens opportunely appeared shortly after the formation of these fossil fuels, indispensable for large scale industrialization. Other resources necessary for advanced civilization such as coal and methane were formed from terrestrial plants dating to the carboniferous era, about 360 million years ago. Coincidently, the first land plants appeared in abundance approximately 380 million years ago, making coal and methane available just prior to homo sapiens as well (5, 6). These strategic timelines reveal a logically intended sequence of events. Out of hundreds of million of species conquering every form of locomotion, intelligent creatures (capable of creating calendars, language, writing and technology) occurred only once in all of earths history, and only after the resources for advanced civilization became available. Nearly all species conquered flight, even fish, but not intelligence.

The second step of this process requires some explanation as to vital importance of our moon. If the moon were to suddenly disappear, scientists claim that all life on earth larger than algae would die. This is because the moon holds the earth on its axis, like an outrigger on a canoe. The other planets in our solar system, such as Mercury, Venus and Mars (which have no single large moon to stabilize their orbits), tilt 90 degrees as they orbit the Sun. If our Moon is eliminated from the mathematical model, the tilt of the Earth's spin axis becomes unstable and varies from 0 to 90 degrees, making complex life on earth impossible (7, 8, 9). Models show the polar ice caps migrating to different parts of the equator every eleven years. Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Kenya, and Indonesia would take turns being under a mile of ice every eleven years. Planetary Scientists Bill Hartmann and Dr. Robin Canup (10), agree that without our Moon, the Earth would be devoid of complex life (11).

The Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago from a planetary collision (12). Since its creation, it has been moving away from the Earth 1.5 inches per year. 4.5 billion years ago it was 15 times the size in the sky and kept the Earth rigidly on its axis, but the gravitational effect on Earth was devastating. Planetary scientists claim it elevated Earth’s molten surface 2000 feet as it orbited above. Currently, our Moon is in what scientists describe as a perfect sweet spot, 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun. The sun being exactly 400 times the diameter of the Moon, and the Moon being 25% the size of the Earth. A position of exact or perfect equilibrium. 4.5 billion years from now, we lose the moon completely. So in the 9 billion years of Lunar history, this rare point of perfect equilibrium precisely coincides with the fine line of human existence. Again, these inexplicable coincidences reveal a divine intelligence to creation.

The moon appears in the sky the exact size as the sun. At the culminating point of total solar eclipse, the fit of sun and moon is so perfect that beads of sunlight can only penetrate through the rugged valleys on the lunar surface, creating the diamond ring effect. The sun is 400 times wider than the moon, but it is also 400 times further away. The two therefore appear the same size in the sky, a very unique situation among our solar system's nine planets and 174 known moons. No other moon does this. Visualize holding a high quality camera with a telescopic zoom lens aimed at the moon.  If you zoom in on the moon until it appears 15 times its size, that was the proportion it was 4.5 billion years ago, whereas scientists have evidence that life existed on earth during this Hadean Eon of Earth's history 3.8 billion to 4.5 billion years ago (13).  If you could zoom out till it disappears, this represents what will happen 4.5 billion years into the future when we lose the moon into space.  At this tiny fraction of time of human existence, the moon is at the exact focal point where it appears the same size in the sky as the sun. These extraordinary events defy statistical analysis.


The moon has been moving away from the earth 1.5 inches per day for 4.5 billion years. In the 9 billion years of Lunar history, this rare point of perfect equilibrium precisely coincides with the fine line of human existence.



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4.5 Billion Years Ago / Moon 15X size of Sun in sky



    4.5 Billion Years in the Future / Loss of Moon
Moon in perfect sweet spot, 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun (sun being exactly 400 times the diameter of the Moon) Moon and Sun appear same size in sky

Previously we were aware of about 140 moons in our solar system, recent discoveries via the Cassini-Huygens probe exploring Saturn increased that number to 174 (14). Of all these moons, only three appear as white as our moon (Jupiter’s Europa, Ganymede and Saturn’s Rhea), primarily because their surface's are composed of water ice in the frigid outer solar system. Our moon is curiously white and reflective (particularly for a natural satellite not surface coated with water ice), bathing the earth at night with a pleasant white incandescent white light. A soothing night-light in the sky (exactly the same disk-size as the sun), for night travelers.  These cannot be extraordinary coincidences.

     NASA orbital computer simulations verified that our moon is not a captured rogue satellite.  No matter what angle, distance, speed or trajectory is considered, the Earth does not capture the moon, it passes by.  These simulations also show that our moon (25% of the Earth in size) is too large to have formed around the Earth.  It is the general consensus of planetary scientists that Orpheus, a Mars sized planet that orbited between Earth and Mars impacted the Earth 4.5 billion years ago forming our moon (15, 16). Impact Scientist Dr. Jay Melosh verified the mathematical model (17).  After the Orpheus impact the moon was only four thousand miles away and appeared fifteen times larger in the sky.  Likewise, the gravitational effect of the moon on the earth was four thousand times greater.  Every wave was a tsunami, an Earth day went from naught to four hours.  We are losing our moon by one and a half inches per year, the moon is now two hundred and thirty four thousand miles from earth.  These Scientific determinations are verifiable several ways, including laser Lunar Laser Ranging equipment aimed at retro-reflectors placed on the Moon's lunar surface during the Apollo mission (18).  Ancient eclipse records as early as two thousand years ago confirm that a day was shorter than it is today.  Had it been constant, the solar eclipse of April 15, 0136 BC would have followed a different path and not have been recorded in Babylon (19). It is an astonishing cosmic coincidence that at the fractional time humans inhabit the earth, the moon is in perfect equilibrium in stabilizing our Earth's axis and appears in the night sky exactly the same size as the sun, for the first time in 4.5 billion years.  This can only be the result of impeccable planning, or an impossible coincidence.